snacks 3 results

Swine Brittle

Sweet, Salty and Smoky Swine Brittle. There are countless variations on this easy, sweet, smoky and salty snack. We call ours Swine Brittle :-) We're going to show you how we do it at the studio but you can have fun playing with this at home and working up different variations. Of course we use our beloved butcher friends at Esposito's Meat Market for our bacon. Thanks Rob! One important note: At the end of making this recipe you'll have a really unique and amazingly delicious ...

Pete’s Famous Chicken Wings

Who doesn't love crispy chicken wings???  Pete played around for years with different techniques to create a great wing recipe and in the end (and as so often is the case) simplicity rules! ABSOLUTELY, THE BEST CHICKEN WINGS....EVER!

Franklin Becker’s Beet Chips

Franklin Becker understands that beet chips have a lot more natural sugar than potato chips, but far fewer carbs. The food industry has made a pile by satisfying our lust for potato-chip crispness with "healthier" vegetables instead of potatoes. But there's no need to shell out the big bucks for a few ounces of beet chips when you can make your own so easily and economically. Like the old commercial said, "Bet you can't eat just one!" Franklin is the executive chef of The Little Beet and ...
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